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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

As the story develops...

Many of you, yes I'm referring to all 12 of my fans and followers, may have noticed the lack of new blog postings and useless rambling from me in the past months. Along with crazy work schedules and the burning desire to spend every last dime on traveling to faraway, yet often times stupid and irrationally random places, I've begun to work on writing and publishing a book. As we speak, I have entered into a contract with a small publishing company and have been working with editors and "professionals in the field" (whatever that means) to publish a collection of stories and essays in hopes that I can get at least 12 people to purchase and enjoy. I promise I will continue to update this shithole of a blogsite more often.

The book is about halfway complete, which really means nothing in the literary world because it ends when I run our of shit to say. So what the fuck is "halfway" anyway? It's just a good answer I use for when people ask me how it's coming along. For a while, I kept this not so much a secret, but a private matter for fear that it would not actually work out or that I would jinx the entire thing. Right now, all I want to do is finish the book and see it in print with a cover and my name on it, and whether or not it sells more than 2 copies (I know my parents are guaranteed to each get one so there's 20 bucks right there!), I really just want to see my aspirations for becoming a real writer come through in the physical form of a book. So whether or not it all works out is yet to be seen, but at least I can say I was able to accomplish something that's important to me while so many others never get the chance. And to be quite honest, I just really want to see my fucking face on the back jacket of a book with a description underneath that reads, "Andres is the New York Times best selling author of 'Politically Incorrect: The Various Ramblings and Often Times Worthless and Confusing Anecdotes of a Troubled Gay'. His career took off after his alleged affair with Bravo Television Exec Andy Cohen and the release of their disturbing yet best selling sex video involving endangered Japanese Vervet Monkeys and Trannies collected from various truck stops across America. Andres lives in New York with his stunningly attractive and wealthy husband Kent, 12 Shiba Inu puppies, and litter of 5 adopted Pakistani, Madagascan, Kenyan, Indian, and Guatemalan Asian babies. How he managed to find an Asian baby to adopt in each of those countries still remains a mystery."

Thanks for always reading.


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